Renewable and Alternative Energies (2014)
Diagrama de temas
Teaching Faculty
Pablo Castro AlonsoDepartment of Electrical and Energy Engineering
The course Renewable and Alternative Energies describes the main renewable resources currently used and their technical applications as sources of thermal energy and electricity. Today, renewable energies are also seen as tools for addressing many other pressing needs, including: improving energy security; reducing the environmental impacts associated with fossil and nuclear energy; mitigating greenhouse gas emissions; improving educational opportunities and creating jobs.
"Energías Renovables y Alternativas" se centra en la descripción de los principales recursos renovables utilizados actualmente y su aplicación técnica como fuentes de energía térmica y electricidad. Hoy en día, las energías renovables también son vistas como herramientas para abordar muchas otras necesidades apremiantes, incluyendo: mejorar la seguridad energética; reducción de los impactos ambientales asociados con las energías fósiles y nuclear; mitigación de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero; mejorar las oportunidades educativas y la creación de puestos de trabajo.
Renewable Energy, Biomass, Energía Renovable, Energía Solar, Eólica, Oceánica y Geotérmica, Energía Hidráulica, Solar, Wind, Ocean and Geothermal Energies, Biocombustible, Hidrógeno, Hydropower, Hydrogen, Biofuels, Biomasa.
Course Information
Course title: Renewable and Alternative Energies
Code: G605
Department / Unit: Department of Electrical and Energy Engineering
Degree / Master’s: Degree in Energy Resources Engineering
Faculty: Escuela Politécnica de Minas y Energía
ECTS credits: 6
Language of instruction: English
Course director: Pablo Castro Alonso
Course structure
- Topic 0. Introduction to renewable energies.
- Topic 1. Wind energy.
- Topic 2. Solar energy.
- Topic 3. Ocean energy.
- Topic 4. Hydropower.
- Topic 5. Geothermal energy.
- Topic 6. Biomass and biofuels.
- Topic 7. Hydrogen energy.
Required reading list
Ortega Rodríguez, Mario (2007): «Energías renovables». Thomson Paraninfo.
Tushar K. Ghosh & Mark A. Prelas (2011): «Energy resources and systems. Volume 2: Renewable resources». Springer.
Twidell, John & Weir, Tony (2006): «Renewable energy resources». Taylor & Francis.
David A. Spera (2009): «Wind turbine technology. Fundamental concepts of wind turbine engineering». Asme.
Sathyajith Mathew & Geeta Susan Philip (Editors) (2011): «Advances in wind energy conversion technology». Springer.
Paul Breeze & Aldo Vieira (et all.) (2009): «Renewable energy focus handbook». Elsevier.
Martin Kaltschmitt; Wolfgang Streicher & Andreas Wiese. Editors (2007): «Renewable energy, technology, economics and environment». Springer.
European commission: «PV status report 2014».
Aldo Vieira da Rosa (2009): «Renewable energy processes». Elsevier.
Topic 0. Introduction
MC-F-001. Introduction to renewable energies.
Topic 1. Wind energy
Topic 2. Solar energy
MC-F-006. Solar energy (I).
MC-F-007. Solar energy (II).
MC-F-008. Solar energy glossary.
MC-F-009. Solar thermal energy project.
. Infinia - Stirling solar generator (Vídeo de Youtube).
Topic 3. Ocean energy
MC-F-012. Ocean energy.
MC-F-013. Ocean energy glossary.
. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) (Vídeo de Youtube).
. Tidal vertical turbine (Vídeo de Youtube).
. Wave power (attenuator) (Vídeo de Youtube).
. Wave power (oscillating water column) (Vídeo de Youtube).
Topic 4. Hydropower
MC-F-019. Hydropower.
MC-F-020. Hydropower glossary.
. Virtual turbines (Vídeo de Youtube).
Topic 5. Geothermal energy
MC-F-022. Geothermal energy.
MC-F-023. Geothermal energy glossary.
. Geothermal energy (1080p) (Vídeo de Youtube).
Topic 6. Biomass and biofuels
Topic 7. Hydrogen energy
- EUR-Lex. Access to European Union law. 2009-28-EC European Parliament Directive.
- La energía en España 2012. Libro de la energía en España 2012. Publicado por el Ministrio de Industria, Energía y Turismo.
- BOE - Ley Eléctrica 24-2013. Ley 24/2013, de 26 de diciembre, del Sector Eléctrico. Publicado en «BOE» núm. 310, de 27 de diciembre de 2013.
- BOE - Real Decreto 413-2014. Real Decreto 413/2014, de 6 de junio, por el que se regula la actividad de producción de energía eléctrica a partir de fuentes de energía renovables, cogeneración y residuos. Publicado en «BOE» núm. 140, de 10 de junio de 2014.
- BP Statistical Review of World Energy June 2014. For 63 years, the BP Statistical Review of World Energy has provided high-quality objective and globally consistent data on world energy markets. The review is one of the most widely respected and authoritative publications in the field of energy economics, used for reference by the media, academia, world governments and energy companies. A new edition is published every June.
- Plan de Energías Renovables 2011-2020 (PER). El PER tiene el objetivo de lograr, tal y como indica la Directiva comunitaria, que en el año 2020 al menos el 20% del consumo final bruto de energía en España proceda del aprovechamiento de las fuentes renovables. Página web del «Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía» (IDAE).
- Renewables 2014 Global status report. Report published by «Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century» (REN21). REN21 is the global renewable energy policy multi-stakeholder network that connects a wide range of key actors. REN21’s goal is to facilitate knowledge exchange, policy development and joint action towards a rapid global transition to renewable energy.
Assessment criteria
Final assessment
Retake option
Laboratory report
Minimum mark: 0.00.
Date: During the semester.
Retake conditions:
Comments: To pass the subject, the laboratory report must be submitted before the February exam or a laboratory exam must be taken in the February or September sitting.
Minimum mark: 0.00.
Date: During the semester.
Retake conditions: Can be reassessed in final exams (ordinary and extraordinary sittings).
Comments: Several exercises and tasks in the classroom as well as oral presentations.
Midterm exam
Written exam
Minimum mark: 3.00.
Duration: 3 hours.
Date: Halfway through the semester.
Retake conditions: To take an exam covering the same contents in the February or September sitting.
Midterm exam
Written exam
Minimum mark: 3.00.
Duration: 3 hours.
Date: February sitting.
Retake conditions: To take an exam covering the same contents in the September sitting.
To pass the subject through continuous assessment, it is necessary to:
Submit the laboratory report.
Attend 80% of class activities.
Obtain higher than 30% of the maximum mark in the midterm exams.
Obtain a final average mark which is at least 50% of the maximum mark.
COMMENTS for part-time students:
Part-time students must take an exam covering all the subject's contents in the February or September sitting.
Pablo Castro Alonso
Department of Electrical and Energy Engineering