Topic outline

  • Environmental Technology in Mining





    Carlos Rico de la Hera
    Rubén Díez Montero
    Ana Lorena Esteban García

    Dept. of Water and Environment Sciences and Techniques


    The subject “Environmental Technology in Mining” is divided into three thematic blocks. In the first two, air quality in underground mining is addressed in relation to the different types of pollutants in the form of gas or dust that can occur in this activity. To be able to calculate ventilation airflows so that concentrations of these gases do not pose a threat, it is necessary to have a solid understanding of material balances. The second block deals with the theory of ventilation, in order to calculate the equipment and pipes necessary to supply ventilation air. The third block addresses general aspects of the environment and mining: waste and wastewater generated in the activity and its solutions, environmental impact and environmental restoration.


    Mine atmosphere, Firedamp, Environmental Management, Underground mine, Waste rock pile, Tailings impoundments, Mine closure, Heavy metals, Chemical precipitation.

  • Course details

    Course Information

    • Course: Environmental Technology in Mining

    • Code: G629

    • Department / Unit: Department of Water and Environment Sciences and Techniques

    • Degree: Degree in Mining Resources Engineering

    • Faculty: Polytechnic School of Mines and Energy

    • ECTS credits: 6

    • Language of instruction: English

    • Instructors: Carlos Rico de la Hera, Rubén Díez Montero, Ana Lorena Esteban García

    Course Structure

    Section I. Mine atmosphere

    • 1. Introduction to gases properties.

    • 2. Mass balance

    • 3. Mine gases

    • 4. Gas detection and dust

    Section II. Mine ventilation

    •  2. Mine ventilation

    Section III. Environmental impact and restoration

    • 1. Environmental technology
    • 2. Soil polution
    • 3. Mining and the environment
  • Readings





    • Introduction to Environmental Engineering (Fifth Edition). Mackenzie L. Davis, David A. Cornwell. McGraw-Hill, 2013.
    • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse (Fourth Edition). George Tchobanoglous, Franklin L. Burton, H. David Stensel. McGraw-Hill, 2003.
    • Industrial Water Pollution Control (Second Edition). W. Wesley Eckenfelder. McGraw-Hill, 1989.
    • Integrated Solid Waste Management: Engineering Principles and Management Issues. George Tchobanoglous, Hilary Theisen, Samuel Vigil. McGraw-Hill, 1993.

    • De Nevers, Noel. Air polution control engineering. Mc-Graw-Hill. (2000)
    • Awwa (American Water Works Association) (2002). Calidad y Tratamiento del Agua. Manual de Suministros de Agua Comunitaria. McGraw-Hill. Madrid.
    • Instituto Tecnológico Geominero de España. Manual de Reutilización de residuos de la Industria Minera, Siderometalúrgica y Termoeléctrica. ITGME, Madrid, 1995.
    • EWEIS, J.B., ERGAS, S.J., CHANG, D.P.Y. AND SCHROEDER, E.D. (1999) Principios de Biorrecuperación. Ed. WCB/McGrawHill, 1999. ISBN: 84-481-2511-8.
    • IHOBE (1998) Investigación de la contaminación del suelo: calidad del suelo, guías metodológicas, guías técnicas. Bilbao: Gobierno Vasco, Departamento de Ordenación del Territorio, Vivienda y Medio Ambiente.
    • INSTITUTO TECNOLÓGICO GEOMINERO (1995) Contaminación y depuración de suelos. Madrid: ITGE. ISBN: 84-7840-236-5.
    • Gómez Orea. 1999. Evaluación del Impacto Ambiental. Ed. Agrícola. Madrid.
    • Conesa Fernández-Vitora. 1997. Guía Metodológica para la Evaluación Ambiental. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
    • Conesa Fernández-Vitora. 1997. Los instrumentos de la Gestión Ambiental. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
    • Johnson, Gregory P. Auditoria del Sistema de Gestión Medioambiental ISO 14000 AENOR, 1998.
    • Documentos BREF´s y Resúmenes Ejecutivos de los mismos elaborados por la Unión Europea.
    • ISO 14000 y derivadas
    • Environmental Life Cycle Assessment. Bogusky T. Mc Graw Hill, 1996
    • El análisis del ciclo de vida. Aranda Usón, A. FC Editorial, 2006
    • Tejero, I., Suárez, J., Jácome, A. Y Temprano, J. (2004). Introducción a la Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ambiental. 2 Vol. E.T.S. de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos. ISBN: 84-89627-68-1
    • Tejero, Iñaki; Suárez, Joaquín; Jácome, Alfredo; Temprano, Javier y García, Carmen (2000): "Problemas de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ambiental". E.T.S. De Ingenieros De Caminos, Canales Y Puertos, Universidad De Cantabria - Universidade Da Coruña.
  • Lecture Notes




    • 3.1 - Environmental technology
      • 3.1.1 Water management
      • MC-F-008. Water and wastewater treatment
      • MC-F-009. 3.1.2 Waste management        
    • MC-F-010. 3.2 - Soil pollution
    • MC-F-011. 3.3 - Mining and the environment


  • Exercises

    • EJ-F-001. Intake-air ventilation flow to reduce firedamp concentration

    • EJ-F-002. Wastewater treatment: Neutralization

    • EJ-F-003. Wastewater treatment: Heavy metals removal

    • EJ-F-004. Water quality (example-solutions)

    • EJ-F-005. Water pollution (example-solutions)

    • EJ-F-006. Water and wastewater treatment (example-solutions)

    • EJ-F-007. Soil pollution (example-solutions)

  • Syllabus


    PDF-icon  Here you can download the Syllabus in PDF format.

  • About the professors



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    Carlos Rico de la Hera


    Dept. of Water and Environment Sciences and Techniques

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    Rubén Díez Montero


    Dept. of Water and Environment Sciences and Techniques

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    Ana Lorena Esteban García


    Dept. of Water and Environment Sciences and Techniques

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