Computer System Administration (2018)
Topic outline
Teaching Faculty
Valentín Puente VaronaJosé Ángel Herrero Velasco
Pablo Abad FidalgoDepartment of Computer Engineering and Electronics
The main objective of this course is to acquire the required skills for performing tasks of a junior system administrator in computer environments like modern "Data Centers”. We will learn advanced procedures about the design and the administration of computer systems for data center environments. This will allow us, through the integration of the different components of the system, to implement advanced services that will be used in the management of computational resources, distributed storage and networking, in both the Intranet and the Internet. Also, we will place special emphasis on the main security mechanisms for these service. Additionally, we will take a look at some of the more relevant “open-source” tools in monitoring and remote configuration.
Computer System Administration, Computer System Management, Computer System Design, Data Center, Intranet Design, Internet Services Administration, Linux, LDAP, Information Services, Mail Service, Domain Controller, Apache Web Service, Network File Systems, System Monitoring.
Course Information
Course: Computer System Administration
Code: G679
Department / Unit: Department of Computer Engineering and Electronics
Degree: Degree in Computer Systems Engineering
Faculty: Faculty of Sciences
ECTS credits: 6
Language of instruction: English
Instructor: José Ángel Herrero Velasco
Course structure
- Topic 1. Introduction to computer system administration.
- Topic 2. Integration of global services in enterprise environments I.
- Topic 3. Integration of global services in enterprise environments II.
- Topic 4. Monitoring and configuration tools.
- Topic 5. Final exam.
Required reading list
Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder, Trent R. Hein, Ben Whaley & Dan Mackin (2010): «Unix & Linux administration handbook». 5th Ed. Prentice Hall. ISBN-10: 01314277554. ISBN-13: 978-0134277554.
Suggested additional reading
Aeleen Frisch (august 2002): «Essential system administration». 3th Ed. O'Reilly & Associates. ISBN-10: 0-596-00343-9. ISBN-13: 9780596003432.
Gerald Carter: «LDAP system administration». Ed. O'Reilly Media. Print ISBN: 978-1-56592-491-8. ISBN-10: 1-56592-491-6. Ebook ISBN: 978-0-596-10335-4. ISBN-10: 0-596-10335-2.
Ken Coar & Rich Bowen (january 2008): «Apache cookbook: solutions and examples for Apache administration». 2° Ed. O'Reilly Media. ISBN-10: 0596529945. ISBN-13: 978-0596529949.
Kyle D. Dent (december 2003): «Postfix: The Definitive Guide». 1st Ed. O'Reilly Media. ISBN-10: 0596002122. ISBN-13: 978-0596002121.
Graham J. Williams: «Debian GNU/Linux desktop survival guide». Libro electrónico. Ed. Togaware.
Charles Bookman: «Linux Clustering: Building and Maintaining Linux Cluster». Ed. New Riders.
MC-F-001. Topic 0. Introduction.
Unit I. Introduction to Computer System Administration
MC-F-002. Topic 1. Basics concerning «Data Centers» and the system administrator.
Unit II. Integration of global services in enterprise environments I: the Intranet
MC-F-003. Topic 2. Active directory secure service: LDAP (over SSL).
MC-F-004. Topic 3. Active directory integration mechanisms: PAM + NSS (SSSd).
MC-F-005. Topic 4. Network configuration service: ISC DHCP.
MC-F-006. Topic 5. Network naming translation service: ISC DNS.
MC-F-007. Topic 6. Network time sync service: ISC NTP.
MC-F-008. Topic 7. Network file system service: NFSv4.
MC-F-009. Topic 8. Multi-platform interoperability and resource sharing service: SAMBA.
Unit III. Integration of global services in enterprise environments II: the Intranet
MC-F-010. Topic 9. Secure web service: HTTP Apache2 (over SSL).
MC-F-011. Topic 10. Secure WEB Content Management Service: Wordpress (CMS).
MC-F-012. Topic 11. Secure e-Mail service: SMTP Postfix, IMAP Dovecot (over SSL).
Unit IV. Centralized monitoring & configuration tools
Unit I. Introduction to Computer System Administration
PR-F-001. Lab 0.
Unit II. Integration of global services in enterprise environments I: the Intranet
Unit III. Integration of global services in enterprise environments II: the Intranet
Unit IV. Centralized monitoring & configuration tools
PR-F-007. Lab 6.
Sample exams
PE-F-001. Lab Exam (Topics 1-3).
PE-F-002. Lab Exam (Topics 4 -7).
PE-F-003. Lab Exam (Topics 8-11).
Valentín Puente Varona
Department of Computer Engineering and Electronics
José Ángel Herrero Velasco
Department of Computer Engineering and Electronics
Pablo Abad Fidalgo
Department of Computer Engineering and Electronics