Economía de los Servicios Públicos e Innovación (2013)
Topic outline
Daniel Díaz-Fuentes
Departamento de Economía
A través del desarrollo de estas 5 sesiones se examina desde una perspectiva internacional de largo plazo las transformaciones y reformas de los servicios públicos, como la desregulación, liberalización, privatización y desregulación (o re-regulación) supranacional. A su vez, se revisan los principales aspectos económicos, institucionales, políticos y sociales de su organización, los patrones de provisión y financiación de los servicios públicos, en particular, en el marco de la Unión Europea, pero también en otras regiones y países como América Latina. En estas sesiones se analizan diversos casos de servicios públicos, como los operados en red: comunicaciones, energía, transportes, agua e infraestructuras, y se explorará y evaluarán las innovaciones y las alternativas de políticas públicas que se pueden extender a otros servicios sociales.
Palabras Clave de la Asignatura
Liberalización y competencia, Public Enterprise, Innovation, Desregulación, Liberalization and competition, Internacionalización de servicios públicos, Nueva gestión pública, Public services, Public Economics, Infraestructura y servicios en red, Innovación, Government Policy, Sector Público, Infrastructure and Utilities, Deregulation, Public sector internationalization, Privatización, Servicios públicos, Public Sector, Economía pública, New Public Management, Privatization
Datos identificativos de la Asignatura
Asignatura: Economía de los Servicios Públicos e Innovación
Código: M192
Departamento / Área: Departamento de Economía
Título: Máster Universitario en Economía: Instrumentos del Análisis Económico
Centro: Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales / Facultad de Derecho
Créditos ECTS: 3
Idioma de impartición: Español
Profesor responsable: Daniel Díaz Fuentes
Otros profesores: Judith Clifton
Programa de la asignatura
- Tema 0. Introducción.
- Tema 1. Regulación tradicional de los servicios públicos.
- Tema 2. Privatización.
- Tema 3. Liberalización y desregulación de los servicios públicos.
- Tema 4. Nueva gestión pública.
- Tema 5. Internacionalización de los servicios públicos.
Topic I. Traditional public service regulation and public enterprises
Archibugi, Daniele; Ciccarone, Giuseppe; Mare, Mauro; Pizzetti, Bernardo & Violati, Flaminia (2003), “Triangular Relations In Public Service Economics”, International Review of Applied Economics, Vol. 17, No. 1. KEY READING
Borghi, E., Chiara Del Bo & Massimo Florio, 2010. "The theory of public enterprise, social welfare and planning: a note," Departmental Working Papers 2010-20, Department of Economics, Business and Statistics at Università degli Studi di Milano. web KEY READING
Ceriani, L., Raffaele Doronzo & Massimo Florio, 2009. "Privatization, unbundling, and liberalization of network industries:a discussion of the dominant policy paradigm in the EU," Departmental Working Papers 2009-09, Department of Economics, Business and Statistics at Università degli Studi di Milano. web KEY READING
Chang, H.J. (2007), State-Owned Enterprise Reform, United Nations Department For Economic and Social Affairs.
Clifton, J., F. Comín & D. Díaz-Fuentes (2004), “Nationalisation, denationalisation and Europe integration: changing contexts, unfinished debates”, Enterprises et Histoire p. 24-53 no 37.
Comín, F. & D. Díaz (2004), La empresa pública en Europa, Madrid, Síntesis.
Gomez-Ibañez J.A., 2004, Regulating Infrastructure: Monopoly, Contracts, and Discretion, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
Kaul, I. (2003) ´Redefining Public Goods: Why, How and to What Effects?´ UNU-CRIS International Conference on Global Public Goods and Regional Integration. UNU Bruges, November 20-21.
Lane, J. E. (1997), The Public Sector: Concepts, Models and Approaches, Sage Publications.
Lasheras, M..A. (1999) La regulación económica de los servicios públicos. Ariel.
Martin, S. (2001) Industrial Organization: A European Perspective. Oxford University Press
Millward, R. (2005): Private and public enterprise in Europe: energy, telecommunications and transport, 1830-1990, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Motta, M. (2004), Competition Policy. Theory and Practice, Cambridge University Press.
Ostrom, E. (1990) Governing the Commons. Cambridge University Press.
Ostrom, V., Tiebout, C. and Warren, R. (1961) "The organization of government in metropolitan areas: a theoretical enquiry" The American Political Science Review.
Pelkmans, Jacques (2006), European Integration: Methods And Economic Analysis, Financial Times/Prentice
Toninelli, P. A. ed. (2000): “The Rise and Fall of Public Enterprises: The Framework”, en P. A. Toninelli, ed. The Rise and Fall of State-Owned Enterprises in the Western World, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Topic II. Regulatory reform: privatization
Bauer, J. M.(2005), “Regulation and state ownership: conflicts and complementarities in EU telecommunications” Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 76, 2, 151-177.
Belke, A.; Baumgaertner, F.; Schneider, F. & Setzer, R. (2005), “The Different Extent of Privatisation Proceeds in EU Countries: A Preliminary Explanation Using a Public Choice Approach”, Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo, Working Paper No. 1600
Bourguignon, F. & Sepúlveda, C. (2010,) Privatization in Development Some Lessons from Experience, Banco Mundial, Policy Research Working Paper 5131.
Ceriani, Lidia; Raffaele Doronzo & Massimo Florio (2009), Privatization, Unbundling, and Liberalization of Network Industries: a Discussion of the Dominant Policy Paradigm in the EU” Working Paper N. 2009-09. KEY READING
Clifton, J., F. Comín & D. Díaz-Fuentes (2003), Privatisation in the European Union: Public Enterprises and Integration. Kluwer.
Clifton, J., F. Comín & D. Díaz-Fuentes (2006) “Privatisation in the European Union: inevitable, ideological, pragmatic?”, Journal of European Public Policy, 13. web KEY READING
Clifton, J., F. Comín & D. Díaz-Fuentes (2006b): “La privatización de las empresas públicas en la Unión Europea – vía británica o senda europea”, Revista de Economía Mundial.
Hefetz, Amir and M. Warner, 2004. "Privatization and Its Reverse: Explaining the Dynamics of the Government Contracting Process," Journal of Public Administration, Research and Theory, 14(2): 171-190. KEY READING
Hulsink, W. (1999): Privatization and Liberalisation in European Telecommunications, Londres y Nueva York.
Megginson, W. y J. Netter, (2001); “From State to Market: A survey of empirical studies on Privatization”, Journal of Economic Literature. 39,2, 321-389.
Millward, R. (2005): Private and public enterprise in Europe: energy, telecommunications and transport, 1830-1990, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Millward, R. (2006), The British Privatisation Programme: A Long Term Perspective, Università degli Studi di Milano Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e StatisticheWorking Paper n. 2006-07
Martimort, D. Stéphane Straub, S., (2009): “Infrastructure privatization and changes in corruption patterns: The roots of public discontent”, Journal of Development Economics, 90, 1, 69-84. KEY READING.
Newbery, D.M. (2000), Privatization, Restructuring and Regulation of Network Utilities, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Newbery, D. M. (2004), “Privatising Network Industries”, CESifo Working Paper No. 1132, serie Industrial Organisation, Munich. KEY READING.
Parker, D. (ed.) (1998): Privatization in the EU: theory and policy perspectives. Routledge, Londres y Nueva York.
Parker, D. (2004), The UK´s Privatisation Experiment: the passage of time permits a sober assessment, CESifo Working
Paper No. 1126, Serie Industrial Organisation, Munich.
Parker, D. y Saal, D. (eds.) (2003): International Handbook on Privatization, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
- Perotti E.C., (1995), “Credible privatization”, American Economic Review, 847–859.
Primary Sources
FEEM Privatization Barometer Data Bank and Archive. web.
Thomson Financial, Securities Data Corporation (SDC)
Topic III. Liberalization and deregulation of public services: regional and international dynamics
Armstrong, Mark & David E. M. Sappington (2006), “Regulation, Competition, and Liberalization Journal of Economic Literature Vol. XLIV, pp. 325–366.
Bauer, J. (2005), “Regulation and State Ownership: Conflicts and Complementarities in EU Telecommunications”, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 76:2 2005 pp. 151–177.
Bel, G.Calzada, J. y Fageda, X. (2006), “Liberalización y competencia en España, ¿Dónde estamos?”, Información Comercial Española, 829, 123-144.
Ceriani, Lidia; & Massimo Florio (2008), “A Primer on the Welfare effects of Regulatory Reforms in network industries”, Universit`a degli Studi di Milano Statistics and Mathematics, Working Paper n. 2008-23
Ceriani, L., Raffaele Doronzo & Massimo Florio, 2009. "Privatization, unbundling, and liberalization of network industries:a discussion of the dominant policy paradigm in the EU," Departemental Working Papers 2009-09, Department of Economics, Business and Statistics at Università degli Studi di Milano. web. KEY READING
Clifton, J., Díaz-Fuentes, D., Fernández-Gutiérrez, M. & Revuelta, J. (2010): "Infrastructure regulation: What works, Why, and how do we know? Lessons from Europe”, "Infrastructure regulation: What works, Why, and how do we know? M. Ramesh, D. Jarvis, W. Xun & E. Aral eds., World Scientific. web.
Clifton, J., Díaz-Fuentes, D., Fernández, M. and Revuelta, J., (2011) Diferencias territoriales en el uso de los servicios de interés económico general, Investigaciones Regionales. Ver en la web. KEY READING
Clifton, J., Díaz-Fuentes, D., Fernández, M., y Revuelta, J. (2011) Ciudadanos, servicisios públicos y la regulación europea. CIRIEC España: Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa. Ver en la web. KEY READING
Copenhagen Economics, “Market Opening in Network Industries”, Report Copenhagen Economics on behalf of DG Internal Market, EU Commission, 2005.
Fiorio, Carlo, Florio, Massimo (2009), “The reform of network industries, privatisation and consumers’ welfare: evidence from the EU15”, Universit`a degli Studi di Milano Statistics and Mathematics, Working Paper n. 2009-41. KEY READING.
Fiorio, Carlo, Florio, Massimo (2008), “Do you Pay a Fair Price for Electricity? Consumers’ Satisfaction and Utility Reform in the EU”, ”, Universit`a degli Studi di Milano Statistics and Mathematics, Working Paper N. 2008-12. web.
Florio, Massimo (2007), Electricity Prices as Signals for the Evaluation of Reforms: An Empirical Analysis of Four
European Countries, International Review of Applied Economics, 21, 1, 1–27.
Gabriele, Alberto (2004) Policy Alternatives in Reforming Power Utilities In Developing Countries: a Critical Survey, No. 168, UNCTAD, Geneva.
Levi-Faur, D. (2004): “On the ´net impact´ of Europeanization. The EU´s telecoms and electricity regimes between the global and the national”, Comparative Political Studies, 37, 1, 3-29.
Majone, G. (1997): “From the positive to the regulatory state: causes and consequences of changes in the mode of governance”, Journal of Public Policy, 17, 2, 139-67.
Newbery, D.M. (2002), ‘Problems of liberalising the energy utilities’, European Economic Review, 46, 919-27. KEY READING.
Prosser, Tony (Ed.), (2005) The limits of competition law: markets and public services, Oxford University Press.
Stern, P.A. & David N. Townsend, (2007), New Models for Universal Access to Telecommunications Services in Latin America: Lessons from the past and Recommendations for a New Generation of Universal Access Programs for the 21st Century.
Thatcher, M. (2000): The Politics of Telecommunications. National institutions, convergences and change in Britain and France, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
- (2002): Analysing regulatory reform in Europe, Journal of European Public Policy, 9, 6, 859-872.
- (2002): Regulation after delegation: independent regulatory agencies in Europe. Journal of European Public Policy,9 ,6, 954-972.
- (2004) "Winners and losers in Europeanization: reforming the national regulation of telecommunications.' West European Politics, 27, no. 2 284-309.
Waddams, C. and B. Brigham and L. Fitzgerald, (2008) "Service quality in regulated monopolies", Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 79(2), 244-68.
Waddams, C. (2008) The Future of Retail Energy Markets, The Energy Journal, special issue in honour of David Newbery,125-37.
- Wilson, Chris M and Waddams Price, Catherine (2010) Do consumers switch to the best supplier? Oxford Economic Papers, 62 (4). pp. 647-668.
Primary Sources
Eurostat: web.
Topic IV. New public management. Services of general interest evaluation
Calzada, J., Costas, A. y Jordana, J. eds. (2009): Más allá del mercado. Las políticas de servicio universal en América Latina, Fundació CIDOB. Barcelona.
Cheung, A. (1997) “Understanding Public-Sector Reforms: Global Trends and Diverse Agendas”, International Review of Administrative Sciences. 63: 4, 435–57.
Clarke, D. (2000) Citizens, Charters and Public Service Reform in France and Britain, Government and Opposition.35: 2 pp152–69.
Clifton, J., F. Comín & D. Díaz-Fuentes (2005a), “Empowering Europe´s Citizens? Towards a charter for services of general interest”. Public Management Review. web. KEY READING
Clifton, J. & Díaz-Fuentes, D., “Evaluating EU policies on public services: A citizens´ perspective”, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 2010. web KEY READING
Costas, Antón (2007), “De consumidor a ciudadano, el papel de la satisfacción del ciudadano en la sostenibilidad de los mercados de servicios públicos”, ICE Evaluación de políticas públicas, 836, 33-50. KEY READING.
Denhardt, Robert B. & Denhardt, Janet Vinzant (2000), “The New Public Service: Serving Rather than Steering, Public Administration Review 60 (6), 549–559.
European Commision (2008) How can behavioural economics improve policies affecting consumers? web. KEY READING
Ferrari, P.A.; Annoni, P. & Manzi, G. (2007), “Evaluation and comparison of European countries: public opinion on services”, Universit`a degli Studi di Milano Statistics and Mathematics, Paper 27.
Fiorio, C. V., Florio, M., Salini, S. & Ferrari, P., (2007) “European Consumers’ Attitudes on Services of General Interest: Accessibility, Price and Quality” Working Paper,
- (2007), “Consumers’ Attitudes on Services of General Interest in the EU: Accessibility, Price and Quality”, 2000-2004 Nota di Lavoro 2.2007, Fondaziones Eni, Enrico Matei.
Héritier, A. (2002): “Public-interest services revisited”. Journal of European Public Policy, 9, 6, 995-1019.
Ilzkovitz, F., Dierx, A. y Sousa, N. (2008): An analysis of the possible causes of product market malfunctioning in the EU: First results for manufacturing and service sectors, Economic Papers 336, European Commission.
Lane, J. E. (2000) New Public Management, Routledge.
Louis, V. J & Rodrigues, S (2006), Les services d´intérêt économique général et l´Union européene. Bruylant.
Mangenot, M. (Ed.) (2005), Adminstratins publiques et services d’intérêt général: quelle européanisation, Maastricht, European Institute of Public Administration.
McGuire, A. (2002) Service Charters – Global Convergence or National Divergence? A Comparison of Initiatives in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, Public Management Review. 4: 1 pp 493 – 524.
McLaughlin, K., Osborne, S. & Ferlie, E. eds (2005) New Public Management: Current Trends and Future Prospect, London & New York: Routledge.
OECD - PUMA (Public Management Service Public Management Committee) (1996) Responsive Government: Service Quality Initiatives, Paris: OECD
OECD (2010) Public Administration after "New Public Management". Paris: OECD. KEY READING.
OECD (1997) In Search of Results: Performance Management Practices, Paris: OECD.
OECD (2007) Roundtable on Demand-Side Economics for Consumer Policy Summary Report, OECD. París.
OECD (2008) Enhancing Competition in Telecommunication: Protecting and Empowering Consumers, OECD. París.
Pollitt, C. & Bouckaert, G. (2004) Public Management Reform – a Comparative Analysis, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Rott, Peter, (2007), “Consumers and services of general interest: Is EC consumer law the future? Journal of Consumer
Policy, Volume 30, Number 1, pp. 49-60.
Sappington, David, E.M. (2005), “Regulating Service Quality: A Survey”, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 27, 2, 123-154. KEY READING.
Van de Walle, S. (2006): “The impact of public service values on service of general interest reform debates”, Public Management Review, 8 (2), 183-205.
Van de Walle, S. and G. Hammerschid (2011) Coordinating for Cohesion in the Public Sector of the Future. COCOPS working paper. web. KEY READING.
- Whitehead, J. C.; Pattanayak, S. K.; Van Houvten, G. L. Y Gelso, B. R. (2008): “Combining revealed and stated preference data to estimate the nonmarket value of ecological services: an assessment of the state of the service”, Journal of Economic Surveys, 22 (5), 872-908.
Primaty Sources
EC (European Commission) (1996) Communication on Services of General Interest in Europe:
(1997) Eurobarometer 47.0: L’Europe des Consummateurs, les Citoyens Face a l’Ouverture a la Concurrence des Monopoles de Services Public.
- (2000) Les Européens et les services d´intérêt généraux. (2000) Communication on Services of General Interest in Europe. (2002)
Eurobarometer 58: Consumers´ opinions about Services of General Interest. Etude sur les services d´interet economique general aupres des citoyens des 15 pays:
(2003) ‘Green Paper on Services of General Interest’. web.
(2003) Flash Eurobarometer 150: La Qualite´ des Services, EC. web.
(2004) ‘White Paper on Services of General Interest’. web.
(2005) Eurobarometer 219.
(2006) Evaluation of the Performance of Network Industries Providing Services of General Economic Interest.
(2007) Eurobarometer 260 EC (2007b) European Consumers’ Opinions On Certain Services Of General Interest Qualitative Study in The 25 Member States.
Topic V. Public service transnationalization
Audretsch, D. , Baumol, W. & Burke, A. (2006) Competition policy in dynamic markets”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 19, 613–634.
Apeldoorn, B. van & Horn, L. (2006), “The Transformation of Corporate Governance Regulation in the European Union: From Harmonization to Marketization”, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Working Papers. 2006/04.
Clifton, J., F. Comín & D. Díaz-Fuentes (2004), “Nationalisation, denationalisation and Europe integration: changing contexts, unfinished debates”, Enterprises et Histoire p. 24-53 no 37, web.
Clifton, J., Comín, F., & Díaz-Fuentes, D. (eds) (2007) Transforming public enterprise in Europe and North America: Networks, Integration and Transnationalisation. Palgrave-Macmillan.
Clifton, J., D. Díaz-Fuentes & C. Marichal (2007) “Taking control: transforming telecommunications in Mexico” in Clifton, Comín & Díaz-Fuentes.
Clifton, J., Comín, F., & Díaz-Fuentes, D. (2008), “The Rise of the New Public Service Transnationals: European or Global Phenomenon?, in Schröter, H., (ed) In Search of the European Enterprise, Springer. KEY READING.
Clifton, J., Díaz-Fuentes, D. (2010) “Is the European Union ready for FDI from emerging markets?” Thinking Outward: Global Players from Emerging Markets, University of Columbia. web. KEY READING
Goldstein, A. (2007) Multinational Companies from Emerging Economies. Palgrave. Newbery, D. (2007), What are the issues in Merger and Acquisitions Arising from Electricity Market Reestructuring?, European University Institute, RSCAS 2007/01.
OECD (2007) International Investment Perspectives 2007. Paris.
UNCTAD (2004), World Investment Report 2004:The Shift to Services, Nueva York - Geneva.
UNCTAD (2008), World Investment Report 2008:The Challenge of Infrastructure, Nueva York – Geneva.
- MC-F-006. Tema 0. Introducción.
- MC-F-007. Tema 1. Regulación tradicional de los servicios públicos.
- MC-F-008. Tema 2. Privatización.
- MC-F-009. Tema 3. Liberalización y desregulación de los servicios públicos.
- MC-F-010. Tema 4. Nueva gestión pública.
- MC-F-011. Tema 5. Internacionalización de los servicios públicos.
Criterios de evaluación
Evaluación final
Estudio y elaboración de un breve ensayo sobre un tema en base a artículos especializados (40%)
Calificación mínima: 5,00.
Fecha realización: Segunda y tercera sesión.
Condiciones recuperación: Nuevo trabajo.
Presentación y defensa oral de un breve ensayo sobre un tema en base a artículos especializados
Examen oral
Calificación mínima: 0,00.
Fecha realización: Segunda y tercera semana.
Condiciones recuperación:
Discusión y examen crítico de la bibliografía –artículos– de un tema presentado por otro alumno/a (15%)
Examen oral
Calificación mínima: 0,00.
Fecha realización: A partir de la semana, alternamente.
Condiciones recuperación:
Examen escrito de síntesis (2000 a 3000 palabras)
Examen escrito
Calificación mínima: 0,00.
Duración: 2 horas.
Fecha realización: Tercera semana de junio.
Condiciones de recuperación: Volver a presentarse al Examen.
La calificación Total se obtendrá de la evaluación de la asimilación de los temas presentados directamente mediante:
El estudio sobre un tema en base a artículos especializados que resulte en un Trabajo Escrito (1000 palabras). (40%), su presentación y defensa oral (10%).
El estudio y discusión de la bibliografía de otro tema expuesto por otro alumno/a (15%).
Finalmente, mediante un ensayo escrito de síntesis de todos los temas tratados (2000 a 3000 palabras) (35%) que deberá presentarse antes de la última semana de junio.
Daniel Díaz-Fuentes
Department of Economics
More Information
Judith Clifton
Department of Economics
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