Topic outline

  • Economía de los Servicios Públicos e Innovación (2013)




    Daniel Díaz-Fuentes

    Departamento de Economía

    A través del desarrollo de estas 5 sesiones se examina desde una perspectiva internacional de largo plazo las transformaciones y reformas de los servicios públicos, como la desregulación, liberalización, privatización y desregulación (o re-regulación) supranacional.  A su vez, se revisan los principales aspectos económicos, institucionales, políticos y sociales de su organización, los patrones de provisión y financiación de los servicios públicos, en particular, en el marco de la Unión Europea, pero también en otras regiones y países como América Latina. En estas sesiones se analizan diversos casos de servicios públicos, como los operados en red: comunicaciones, energía, transportes, agua e infraestructuras, y se explorará y evaluarán las innovaciones y las alternativas de políticas públicas que se pueden extender a otros servicios sociales.

    Palabras Clave de la Asignatura

    Liberalización y competencia, Public Enterprise, Innovation, Desregulación, Liberalization and competition, Internacionalización de servicios públicos, Nueva gestión pública, Public services, Public Economics, Infraestructura y servicios en red, Innovación, Government Policy, Sector Público, Infrastructure and Utilities, Deregulation, Public sector internationalization, Privatización, Servicios públicos, Public Sector, Economía pública, New Public Management, Privatization

  • Programa



    Datos identificativos de la Asignatura

    • Asignatura: Economía de los Servicios Públicos e Innovación

    • Código: M192

    • Departamento / Área: Departamento de Economía

    • Título: Máster Universitario en Economía: Instrumentos del Análisis Económico

    • Centro: Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales / Facultad de Derecho

    • Créditos ECTS: 3

    • Idioma de impartición: Español

    • Profesor responsable: Daniel Díaz Fuentes

    • Otros profesores: Judith Clifton




        Programa de la asignatura    


    • Tema 0. Introducción.
    • Tema 1. Regulación tradicional de los servicios públicos.
    • Tema 2. Privatización.
    • Tema 3. Liberalización y desregulación de los servicios públicos.
    • Tema 4. Nueva gestión pública.
    • Tema 5. Internacionalización de los servicios públicos.
  • Bibliografía





    Topic I. Traditional public service regulation and public enterprises

    • Archibugi, Daniele; Ciccarone, Giuseppe; Mare, Mauro; Pizzetti, Bernardo & Violati, Flaminia (2003), “Triangular Relations In Public Service Economics”, International Review of Applied Economics, Vol. 17, No. 1. KEY READING

    • Borghi, E., Chiara Del Bo & Massimo Florio, 2010. "The theory of public enterprise, social welfare and planning: a note," Departmental Working Papers 2010-20, Department of Economics, Business and Statistics at Università degli Studi di Milano. web KEY READING

    • Ceriani, L., Raffaele Doronzo & Massimo Florio, 2009. "Privatization, unbundling, and liberalization of network industries:a discussion of the dominant policy paradigm in the EU," Departmental Working Papers 2009-09, Department of Economics, Business and Statistics at Università degli Studi di Milano. web KEY READING

    • Chang, H.J. (2007), State-Owned Enterprise Reform, United Nations Department For Economic and Social Affairs.

    • Clifton, J., F. Comín & D. Díaz-Fuentes (2004), “Nationalisation, denationalisation and Europe integration: changing contexts, unfinished debates”, Enterprises et Histoire p. 24-53 no 37.

    • Comín, F. & D. Díaz (2004), La empresa pública en Europa, Madrid, Síntesis.

    • Gomez-Ibañez J.A., 2004, Regulating Infrastructure: Monopoly, Contracts, and Discretion, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.

    • Kaul, I. (2003) ´Redefining Public Goods: Why, How and to What Effects?´ UNU-CRIS International Conference on Global Public Goods and Regional Integration. UNU Bruges, November 20-21.

    • Lane, J. E. (1997), The Public Sector: Concepts, Models and Approaches, Sage Publications.

    • Lasheras, M..A. (1999) La regulación económica de los servicios públicos. Ariel.

    • Martin, S. (2001) Industrial Organization: A European Perspective. Oxford University Press

    • Millward, R. (2005): Private and public enterprise in Europe: energy, telecommunications and transport, 1830-1990, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

    • Motta, M. (2004), Competition Policy. Theory and Practice, Cambridge University Press.

    • Ostrom, E. (1990) Governing the Commons. Cambridge University Press.

    • Ostrom, V., Tiebout, C. and Warren, R. (1961) "The organization of government in metropolitan areas: a theoretical enquiry" The American Political Science Review.

    • Pelkmans, Jacques (2006), European Integration: Methods And Economic Analysis, Financial Times/Prentice

    • Toninelli, P. A. ed. (2000): “The Rise and Fall of Public Enterprises: The Framework”, en P. A. Toninelli, ed. The Rise and Fall of State-Owned Enterprises in the Western World, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


    Topic II. Regulatory reform: privatization

    • Bauer, J. M.(2005), “Regulation and state ownership: conflicts and complementarities in EU telecommunications” Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 76, 2, 151-177.

    • Belke, A.; Baumgaertner, F.; Schneider, F. & Setzer, R. (2005), “The Different Extent of Privatisation Proceeds in EU Countries: A Preliminary Explanation Using a Public Choice Approach”, Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo, Working Paper No. 1600

    • Bourguignon, F. & Sepúlveda, C. (2010,) Privatization in Development Some Lessons from Experience, Banco Mundial, Policy Research Working Paper 5131.

    • Ceriani, Lidia; Raffaele Doronzo & Massimo Florio (2009), Privatization, Unbundling, and Liberalization of Network Industries: a Discussion of the Dominant Policy Paradigm in the EU” Working Paper N. 2009-09. KEY READING

    • Clifton, J., F. Comín & D. Díaz-Fuentes (2003), Privatisation in the European Union: Public Enterprises and Integration. Kluwer.

    • Clifton, J., F. Comín & D. Díaz-Fuentes (2006) “Privatisation in the European Union: inevitable, ideological, pragmatic?”, Journal of European Public Policy, 13. web KEY READING

    • Clifton, J., F. Comín & D. Díaz-Fuentes (2006b): “La privatización de las empresas públicas en la Unión Europea – vía británica o senda europea”, Revista de Economía Mundial.

    • Hefetz, Amir and M. Warner, 2004. "Privatization and Its Reverse: Explaining the Dynamics of the Government Contracting Process," Journal of Public Administration, Research and Theory, 14(2): 171-190. KEY READING

    • Hulsink, W. (1999): Privatization and Liberalisation in European Telecommunications, Londres y Nueva York.

    • Megginson, W. y J. Netter, (2001); “From State to Market: A survey of empirical studies on Privatization”, Journal of Economic Literature. 39,2, 321-389.

    • Millward, R. (2005): Private and public enterprise in Europe: energy, telecommunications and transport, 1830-1990, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

    • Millward, R. (2006), The British Privatisation Programme: A Long Term Perspective, Università degli Studi di Milano Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e StatisticheWorking Paper n. 2006-07

    • Martimort, D. Stéphane Straub, S., (2009): “Infrastructure privatization and changes in corruption patterns: The roots of public discontent”, Journal of Development Economics, 90, 1, 69-84. KEY READING.

    • Newbery, D.M. (2000), Privatization, Restructuring and Regulation of Network Utilities, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

    • Newbery, D. M. (2004), “Privatising Network Industries”, CESifo Working Paper No. 1132, serie Industrial Organisation, Munich. KEY READING.

    • Parker, D. (ed.) (1998): Privatization in the EU: theory and policy perspectives. Routledge, Londres y Nueva York.

    • Parker, D. (2004), The UK´s Privatisation Experiment: the passage of time permits a sober assessment, CESifo Working

    • Paper No. 1126, Serie Industrial Organisation, Munich.

    • Parker, D. y Saal, D. (eds.) (2003): International Handbook on Privatization, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.

    • Perotti E.C., (1995), “Credible privatization”, American Economic Review, 847–859.   

    Primary Sources

    • FEEM Privatization Barometer Data Bank and Archive. web.

    • Thomson Financial, Securities Data Corporation (SDC)


    Topic III. Liberalization and deregulation of public services: regional and international dynamics

    • Armstrong, Mark & David E. M. Sappington (2006), “Regulation, Competition, and Liberalization Journal of Economic Literature Vol. XLIV, pp. 325–366.

    • Bauer, J. (2005), “Regulation and State Ownership: Conflicts and Complementarities in EU Telecommunications”, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 76:2 2005 pp. 151–177.

    • Bel, G.Calzada, J. y Fageda, X. (2006), “Liberalización y competencia en España, ¿Dónde estamos?”, Información Comercial Española, 829, 123-144.

    • Ceriani, Lidia; & Massimo Florio (2008), “A Primer on the Welfare effects of Regulatory Reforms in network industries”, Universit`a degli Studi di Milano Statistics and Mathematics, Working Paper n. 2008-23

    • Ceriani, L., Raffaele Doronzo & Massimo Florio, 2009. "Privatization, unbundling, and liberalization of network industries:a discussion of the dominant policy paradigm in the EU," Departemental Working Papers 2009-09, Department of Economics, Business and Statistics at Università degli Studi di Milano. web. KEY READING

    • Clifton, J., Díaz-Fuentes, D., Fernández-Gutiérrez, M. & Revuelta, J. (2010): "Infrastructure regulation: What works, Why, and how do we know? Lessons from Europe”, "Infrastructure regulation: What works, Why, and how do we know? M. Ramesh, D. Jarvis, W. Xun & E. Aral eds., World Scientific. web.

    • Clifton, J., Díaz-Fuentes, D., Fernández, M. and Revuelta, J., (2011) Diferencias territoriales en el uso de los servicios de interés económico general, Investigaciones Regionales. Ver en la web. KEY READING

    • Clifton, J., Díaz-Fuentes, D., Fernández, M., y Revuelta, J. (2011) Ciudadanos, servicisios públicos y la regulación europea. CIRIEC España: Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa. Ver en la web. KEY READING

    • Copenhagen Economics, “Market Opening in Network Industries”, Report Copenhagen Economics on behalf of DG Internal Market, EU Commission, 2005.

    • Fiorio, Carlo, Florio, Massimo (2009), “The reform of network industries, privatisation and consumers’ welfare: evidence from the EU15”, Universit`a degli Studi di Milano Statistics and Mathematics, Working Paper n. 2009-41. KEY READING.

    • Fiorio, Carlo, Florio, Massimo (2008), “Do you Pay a Fair Price for Electricity? Consumers’ Satisfaction and Utility Reform in the EU”, ”, Universit`a degli Studi di Milano Statistics and Mathematics, Working Paper N. 2008-12. web.

    • Florio, Massimo (2007), Electricity Prices as Signals for the Evaluation of Reforms: An Empirical Analysis of Four

    • European Countries, International Review of Applied Economics, 21, 1, 1–27.

    • Gabriele, Alberto (2004) Policy Alternatives in Reforming Power Utilities In Developing Countries: a Critical Survey, No. 168, UNCTAD, Geneva.

    • Levi-Faur, D. (2004): “On the ´net impact´ of Europeanization. The EU´s telecoms and electricity regimes between the global and the national”, Comparative Political Studies, 37, 1, 3-29.

    • Majone, G. (1997): “From the positive to the regulatory state: causes and consequences of changes in the mode of governance”, Journal of Public Policy, 17, 2, 139-67.

    • Newbery, D.M. (2002), ‘Problems of liberalising the energy utilities’, European Economic Review, 46, 919-27. KEY READING.

    • Prosser, Tony (Ed.), (2005) The limits of competition law: markets and public services, Oxford University Press.

    • Stern, P.A. & David N. Townsend, (2007), New Models for Universal Access to Telecommunications Services in Latin America: Lessons from the past and Recommendations for a New Generation of Universal Access Programs for the 21st Century.

    • Thatcher, M. (2000): The Politics of Telecommunications. National institutions, convergences and change in Britain and France, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

    • - (2002): Analysing regulatory reform in Europe, Journal of European Public Policy, 9, 6, 859-872.

    • - (2002): Regulation after delegation: independent regulatory agencies in Europe. Journal of European Public Policy,9 ,6, 954-972.

    • - (2004) "Winners and losers in Europeanization: reforming the national regulation of telecommunications.' West European Politics, 27, no. 2 284-309.

    • Waddams, C. and B. Brigham and L. Fitzgerald, (2008) "Service quality in regulated monopolies", Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 79(2), 244-68.

    • Waddams, C. (2008) The Future of Retail Energy Markets, The Energy Journal, special issue in honour of David Newbery,125-37.

    • Wilson, Chris M and Waddams Price, Catherine (2010) Do consumers switch to the best supplier? Oxford Economic Papers, 62 (4). pp. 647-668.

    Primary Sources

    • Eurostat: web.


    Topic IV. New public management. Services of general interest evaluation

    • Calzada, J., Costas, A. y Jordana, J. eds. (2009): Más allá del mercado. Las políticas de servicio universal en América Latina, Fundació CIDOB. Barcelona.

    • Cheung, A. (1997) “Understanding Public-Sector Reforms: Global Trends and Diverse Agendas”, International Review of Administrative Sciences. 63: 4, 435–57.

    • Clarke, D. (2000) Citizens, Charters and Public Service Reform in France and Britain, Government and Opposition.35: 2 pp152–69.

    • Clifton, J., F. Comín & D. Díaz-Fuentes (2005a), “Empowering Europe´s Citizens? Towards a charter for services of general interest”. Public Management Review. web. KEY READING

    • Clifton, J. & Díaz-Fuentes, D., “Evaluating EU policies on public services: A citizens´ perspective”, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 2010. web KEY READING

    • Costas, Antón (2007), “De consumidor a ciudadano, el papel de la satisfacción del ciudadano en la sostenibilidad de los mercados de servicios públicos”, ICE Evaluación de políticas públicas, 836, 33-50. KEY READING.

    • Denhardt, Robert B. & Denhardt, Janet Vinzant (2000), “The New Public Service: Serving Rather than Steering, Public Administration Review 60 (6), 549–559.

    • European Commision (2008) How can behavioural economics improve policies affecting consumers? web. KEY READING

    • Ferrari, P.A.; Annoni, P. & Manzi, G. (2007), “Evaluation and comparison of European countries: public opinion on services”, Universit`a degli Studi di Milano Statistics and Mathematics, Paper 27.

    • Fiorio, C. V., Florio, M., Salini, S. & Ferrari, P., (2007) “European Consumers’ Attitudes on Services of General Interest: Accessibility, Price and Quality” Working Paper,

    • - (2007), “Consumers’ Attitudes on Services of General Interest in the EU: Accessibility, Price and Quality”, 2000-2004 Nota di Lavoro 2.2007, Fondaziones Eni, Enrico Matei.

    • Héritier, A. (2002): “Public-interest services revisited”. Journal of European Public Policy, 9, 6, 995-1019.

    • Ilzkovitz, F., Dierx, A. y Sousa, N. (2008): An analysis of the possible causes of product market malfunctioning in the EU: First results for manufacturing and service sectors, Economic Papers 336, European Commission.

    • Lane, J. E. (2000) New Public Management, Routledge.

    • Louis, V. J & Rodrigues, S (2006), Les services d´intérêt économique général et l´Union européene. Bruylant.

    • Mangenot, M. (Ed.) (2005), Adminstratins publiques et services d’intérêt général: quelle européanisation, Maastricht, European Institute of Public Administration.

    • McGuire, A. (2002) Service Charters – Global Convergence or National Divergence? A Comparison of Initiatives in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, Public Management Review. 4: 1 pp 493 – 524.

    • McLaughlin, K., Osborne, S. & Ferlie, E. eds (2005) New Public Management: Current Trends and Future Prospect, London & New York: Routledge.

    • OECD - PUMA (Public Management Service Public Management Committee) (1996) Responsive Government: Service Quality Initiatives, Paris: OECD

    • OECD (2010) Public Administration after "New Public Management". Paris: OECD. KEY READING.

    • OECD (1997) In Search of Results: Performance Management Practices, Paris: OECD.

    • OECD (2007) Roundtable on Demand-Side Economics for Consumer Policy Summary Report, OECD. París.

    • OECD (2008) Enhancing Competition in Telecommunication: Protecting and Empowering Consumers, OECD. París.

    • Pollitt, C. & Bouckaert, G. (2004) Public Management Reform – a Comparative Analysis, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    • Rott, Peter, (2007), “Consumers and services of general interest: Is EC consumer law the future? Journal of Consumer

    • Policy, Volume 30, Number 1, pp. 49-60.

    • Sappington, David, E.M. (2005), “Regulating Service Quality: A Survey”, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 27, 2, 123-154. KEY READING.

    • Van de Walle, S. (2006): “The impact of public service values on service of general interest reform debates”, Public Management Review, 8 (2), 183-205.

    • Van de Walle, S. and G. Hammerschid (2011) Coordinating for Cohesion in the Public Sector of the Future. COCOPS working paper. web. KEY READING.

    • Whitehead, J. C.; Pattanayak, S. K.; Van Houvten, G. L. Y Gelso, B. R. (2008): “Combining revealed and stated preference data to estimate the nonmarket value of ecological services: an assessment of the state of the service”, Journal of Economic Surveys, 22 (5), 872-908.

    Primaty Sources

    • EC (European Commission) (1996) Communication on Services of General Interest in Europe:

      • (1997) Eurobarometer 47.0: L’Europe des Consummateurs, les Citoyens Face a l’Ouverture a la Concurrence des Monopoles de Services Public.

      • (2000) Les Européens et les services d´intérêt généraux. (2000) Communication on Services of General Interest in Europe. (2002)
    • Eurobarometer 58: Consumers´ opinions about Services of General Interest. Etude sur les services d´interet economique general aupres des citoyens des 15 pays:

      • (2003) ‘Green Paper on Services of General Interest’. web.

      • (2003) Flash Eurobarometer 150: La Qualite´ des Services, EC. web.

      • (2004) ‘White Paper on Services of General Interest’. web.

      • (2005) Eurobarometer 219.

      • (2006) Evaluation of the Performance of Network Industries Providing Services of General Economic Interest.

      • (2007) Eurobarometer 260 EC (2007b) European Consumers’ Opinions On Certain Services Of General Interest Qualitative Study in The 25 Member States.


    Topic V. Public service transnationalization

    • Audretsch, D. , Baumol, W. & Burke, A. (2006) Competition policy in dynamic markets”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 19, 613–634.

    • Apeldoorn, B. van & Horn, L. (2006), “The Transformation of Corporate Governance Regulation in the European Union: From Harmonization to Marketization”, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Working Papers. 2006/04.

    • Clifton, J., F. Comín & D. Díaz-Fuentes (2004), “Nationalisation, denationalisation and Europe integration: changing contexts, unfinished debates”, Enterprises et Histoire p. 24-53 no 37, web.

    • Clifton, J., Comín, F., & Díaz-Fuentes, D. (eds) (2007) Transforming public enterprise in Europe and North America: Networks, Integration and Transnationalisation. Palgrave-Macmillan.

    • Clifton, J., D. Díaz-Fuentes & C. Marichal (2007) “Taking control: transforming telecommunications in Mexico” in Clifton, Comín & Díaz-Fuentes.

    • Clifton, J., Comín, F., & Díaz-Fuentes, D. (2008), “The Rise of the New Public Service Transnationals: European or Global Phenomenon?, in Schröter, H., (ed) In Search of the European Enterprise, Springer. KEY READING.

    • Clifton, J., Díaz-Fuentes, D. (2010) “Is the European Union ready for FDI from emerging markets?” Thinking Outward: Global Players from Emerging Markets, University of Columbia. web. KEY READING

    • Goldstein, A. (2007) Multinational Companies from Emerging Economies. Palgrave. Newbery, D. (2007), What are the issues in Merger and Acquisitions Arising from Electricity Market Reestructuring?, European University Institute, RSCAS 2007/01.

    • OECD (2007) International Investment Perspectives 2007. Paris.

    • UNCTAD (2004), World Investment Report 2004:The Shift to Services, Nueva York - Geneva.

    • UNCTAD (2008), World Investment Report 2008:The Challenge of Infrastructure, Nueva York – Geneva.

  • Materiales de Clase



    • MC-F-006. Tema 0. Introducción.
    • MC-F-007. Tema 1. Regulación tradicional de los servicios públicos.
    • MC-F-008. Tema 2. Privatización.
    • MC-F-009. Tema 3. Liberalización y desregulación de los servicios públicos.
    • MC-F-010. Tema 4. Nueva gestión pública.
    • MC-F-011. Tema 5. Internacionalización de los servicios públicos.
  • Pruebas de Evaluación



        Criterios de evaluación    







    Evaluación final



    Estudio y elaboración de un breve ensayo sobre un tema en base a artículos especializados (40%)




    • Calificación mínima: 5,00.

    • Duración: 

    • Fecha realización: Segunda y tercera sesión.

    • Condiciones recuperación: Nuevo trabajo.

    Presentación y defensa oral de un breve ensayo sobre un tema en base a artículos especializados

    Examen oral




    • Calificación mínima: 0,00.

    • Duración:

    • Fecha realización: Segunda y tercera semana.

    • Condiciones recuperación:

    Discusión y examen crítico de la bibliografía –artículos– de un tema presentado por otro alumno/a (15%)

    Examen oral




    • Calificación mínima: 0,00.

    • Duración:

    • Fecha realización: A partir de la semana, alternamente.

    • Condiciones recuperación:

    Examen escrito de síntesis (2000 a 3000 palabras)

    Examen escrito



    • Calificación mínima: 0,00.

    • Duración: 2 horas.

    • Fecha realización: Tercera semana de junio.

    • Condiciones de recuperación: Volver a presentarse al Examen.




    La calificación Total se obtendrá de la evaluación de la asimilación de los temas presentados directamente mediante:

    1. El estudio sobre un tema en base a artículos especializados que resulte en un Trabajo Escrito (1000 palabras). (40%), su presentación y defensa oral (10%).

    2. El estudio y discusión de la bibliografía de otro tema expuesto por otro alumno/a (15%).

    3. Finalmente, mediante un ensayo escrito de síntesis de todos los temas tratados (2000 a 3000 palabras) (35%) que deberá presentarse antes de la última semana de junio.

  • Guía de Aprendizaje



    •   Here you can download the Syllabus in PDF format.

  • Sobre el Profesor



    Daniel Díaz-Fuentes


    Department of Economics

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    Judith Clifton


    Department of Economics

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